The Oregon Trail Flash Game


I liked this game back in the old days. It was pretty easy to get a pretty good score. You just hunt all the time, taking 200 lbs of food at a time, and when you get to at least 1,200 lbs you sell it off for $200.00 at a time. If you were to buy 500 lbs of food from the forts it would cost you a small fortune, but if you sell it for $200.00 at a time, for anywhere up to however much you want to part with, you can make a pile of money. When your people get sick you rest for a few days until they are in 'good' health again. So it's a good idea to start as early in spring as possible. Riding the prairie through cactus laden valleys, jackrabbit spotted on the ground and vultures fly overhead cattle graze on that sweet sweet hillside grass We gather around a campfire and tell stories about the gold claim that never was lay back on you saddle blankets, pull your hat over you eyes and fall asleep under the moonlight dreaming about nothing except the countryside you grew up on waking up early in the morning, hooking the oxen up to the wagon and hitting the trail before noon.

  1. Classic Reload Oregon Trail Game
  2. Oregon Trail Flash Game Online
  • Play The Oregon Trail online with Apple II browser emulation for free! The Oregon Trail (APPLEII) game rom is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin.
  • Jan 7, 2015 - The Internet Archive has created yet another video game database to guarantee procrastination for fans of classic games like Sim City, Oregon Trail, and Prince of Persia. Software curator Jason Scott has compiled almost 2,400 games on the Internet Archive that are all playable directly in a web browser.

Jan 8, 2015 - Hitch up your wagon and hit up the general store for supplies because it's time to head out on The Oregon Trail. A collection of more than 2,300 MS-DOS computer programs and games has been made available for free on The Internet Archive, a non-profit library of digital content and.


Sarah, bless her heart, Sarah comes down with dysentery, and she breaks a leg. A cattle runs free and we spend an entire day looking for it but it can never go back to domesticated life even if we find it. Sarah passes away from dysentery, bless her heart, and we have to bury her. We erect a gravestone that reads 'Here lies Sarah, she died of dysentery. Lol, that's super diarrhea' She would have wanted it that way. But on the upside we can finally up our meal rations to full and live like kings all the way to Oregon. Upon reaching Fort Laramie, I ensured that I had enough supplies and continued on my journey.

Immediately, a thief stole all 12 of my oxen. I laughed, traded all of my remaining money for more oxen, and continued. Almost immediately, a thief stole 100 bullets. No big deal, I have many more. Then, one of my party members got dysentary, typhoid, and a broken arm in the span of 3 days.

Again, I laughed, and rested to allow him his rest. While resting, another thief stole all 10 of my oxen.

I remember this game fondly and only wonder how a 5 year old could actually do relatively well given all of the ox thievery. Here are instructions for Chrome browsers In addition to enabling cookies for the site you need to allow at least this site the power to disable the cursor so you can use the game's cursor to play the game. Here's how: 1. Click the menu icon/the 3 horizontal lines at the upper left of your browser 2. Click on 'Settings' 3. Scroll down to bottom and click on 'Show advanced settings.'

At the top of advanced settings is Privacy. Click the button just beneath that says 'Content settings.' Scroll about 2/3's the way down until you see 'Mouse Cursor' 6. Change this setting to 'Ask when a site tries to disable the mouse cursor (recommended)' 7. Click done at the bottom right to save the changes To be safe you may wish to restart your browser Enjoy playing. I had the same problem with the mouse as other reviewers mentioned.

I originally tried to play the game using safari, but the mouse would not move correctly. I tried using chrome and it worked! When the game loads, it should ask you if you want to disable the mouse cursor (say yes). This will cause the mouse to move properly during the game, although it will not let you move the mouse outside the game. If you want to move the mouse outside the game, press the esc key.

The Oregon Trail Flash Game

Hope this helps:) Note: I did not use firefox (only chrome) so I do not know if it has the same problem as safari. Folks, you should actually Read all the comments before asking questions. One person told you there is no way to download because THERE IS NO DOWNLOAD BUTTON! She is correct. And for those who can't get it to work using Chrome, Firefox, Waterfox, Safari and so on, it works just fine - not a single glitch - on my old-fashioned PC using GC. Bear in mind this was made in 1992, well before PS, XBOX, etc.

You're attempting to cross the West in a covered wagon pulled by oxen - NOT driving your new KIA on paved roads. That's likely a pretty decent comparison. Sorry for your problems (especially for the kid who got it to work during class but not later, wah) but sometimes you have to use the correct equipment, especially on a site that's providing you with free data that is ancient in terms of technology. That said, the original is much funner, imo. This one's waaay too easy. I'd never heard of either before today. Guess I'm just an old geezer - but one that had no problems!

Where the original 1990 version keeps you wanting to play over and over, I played this version one time (and made the top 10, but just like the 1990 version my top 10 score is not saved wtf, I earned a spot). I do not have any desire to try it again. Too bad the 1990 version is so glitchy! The deluxe edition is waaaaay too easy, and is played far to passively. You don't hardly do anything. The game just plays itself.

Congrats you made it Oregon with no effort. Go play the original version. I cannot stop playing the 1990 game for some reason.

It is a shiny gem. Where as the deluxe edition is more like a dull pile of buffalo chips. If you are having troubles, you can email Jason jason@, and ask him to help you with the game if you're having issues.

It says it in the description of the original Oregon Trail game, I'm not sure why it wasn't put on here. Make sure you have all adware/popup blockers disabled, as they can cause the game to not work. These games were fairly recently put up, so they are still in the process of working out bugs. The game is exactly as I remember it!

Only wish I could figure out why I keep getting two pointers in-game, but pressing escape, followed by going back to fullscreen, help. I was able to get 9911 high score, but I think you could actually increase your high score infinitely by exploiting the trading system while you are at a fort. Trade stuff at the fort for cash at a profit, then buy more at the general store and repeat the process, the forts never seem to run out of supplies. I took a year to get to the end, but I didn't lose anyone along the way. Another exploit is the resting timer. You are never penalized for resting too much. Natives never attack, you never run out of water.

As long as you have enough food you can wait as long as you want to heal up your party members. 5 days rest, then 2 days rest after that cured just about every illness. Though some illnesses took almost a month to heal. Also I decided to trade everything I own for cash at The Dalles before I went down rafting. You don't need any other items for rafting. Though I did keep some sets of clothes and a little food for role play. You get more points at the end for cash than for any other items, so I ended up with over 3200 dollars at the end of the trip by exploiting the trading system.

Mostly I sold my extra food that I got from hunting along the way to other Wagoneers and Native Americans. Since more than one person has pointed it out and STILL have gotten replies that ignore what they've said: Putting this in full screen doesn't work for everyone, for some reason.

I click it, and literally nothing happens. The other buttons work, namely the one to toggle between light and dark screens.

But there is NO way, for some at least, to even put it into fullscreen in the first place. So if that does solve the problem of the cursor, great. But please stop ignoring that people have said more than once that the fullscreen toggle itself does not work. This took me back to my days in elementary school when mt class played this game for rewards. I loved it then and I like it now.

Classic Reload Oregon Trail Game

There are a few issues I had at first with the mouse pointer not being in line with the windows pointer but I figured out that if you go to the fullscreen size then back to normal it will work fine in Google Chrome, at least it did for me. I aslo had issues with the number keypad but I quickly found out to use the numbers above the letters on my keyboard and it works fine. Just like old times I got killed first time out but scored about 3400 my second try as an aonymous user so I'm liking this throw back to the late '80s.

Hitch up your oxen, find some water barrels and get ready for some westward expansion because Oregon Trail is now available to play online — for free. The, which is best known for running the world wide web’s time capsule, has put the game that traumatized countless children of the ’80s and ’90s online. That means future generations can feel the oppressive horror of attempting to fight their way across the Oregon Trail on a steady diet of squirrel meat with only an axe, some rope and frequent bouts of dysentery, pausing in their manifest destiny only long enough to etch grandma’s epitaph on a makeshift tombstone on the side of the trail. Of course, Oregon Trail isn’t the only game available. There’s also Duke Nukem, Street Fighter, Burger Blaster, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Lion King and Chuck Yeager’s Advanced Flight Trainer and more than 2,393 other MS-DOS based game titles ready to play in an immersive and engaging lesson in interactive internet preservation. The online arcade is a “software crate-digger’s dream: Tens of thousands of playable software titles from multiple computer platforms, allowing instant access to decades of computer history in your browser,” the. And they definitely want people to play the games, but be prepared to offer feedback.

According to a announcing the new resource, the site’s software curator Jason Scott wants people to reach out and report bugs as they play. “Some of the games will still fall over and die, and many of them might be weird to play in a browser window, and of course you can’t really save things off for later, and that will limit things too.

Oregon Trail Flash Game Online

But on the whole, you will experience some analogue of the MS-DOS program, in your browser, instantly,” Scott wrote.

This entry was posted on 11.09.2019.