Download Iringan Tari Kreasi Jawa Barongan


Sebagai tarian yang sesuai dengan namanya yaitu, 'Baris' yang berasal dari kata berbaris yang dapat diartikan pasukan maka tarian ini menggambarkan ketangkasan pasukan prajurit. Tari ini merupakan tarian kelompok yang dibawakan oleh pria, umumnya ditarikan oleh 8 sampai lebih dari 40 penari dengan gerakan yang lincah cukup kokoh, lugas dan dinamis, dengan diiringi Gong Kebyar dan Gong Gede. Setiap jenis, kelompok penarinya membawa senjata, perlengkapan upacara dan kostum dengan warna yang berbeda, yang kemudian dinamakan Tari Baris. Asal muasal tari kecak:Tak diketahui secara pasti darimana tarian kecak berasal dan dimana pertama kali berkembang, namun ada suatu macam kesepakatan pada masyarakat Bali kecak pertama kali berkembang menjadi seni pertujukan di Bona-Gianyar. Kecak pada awalnya merupakan suatu tembang atau musik yang dihasil dari perpaduan suara yang membentuk melodi yang biasanya dipakai untuk mengiringi tarian Sahyang yang disakralkan.

  1. Contoh Tari Kreasi

Jul 8, 2015 - Semacam tarian yang diiringi tabuhan dan gamelan. Dilengkapi dengan barisan kuda kembar sebanyak seratus empat puluh ekor. Nantinya akan dijadikan iringan pengantin. Terakhir harus dapat menghadirkan binatang berkepala dua.??Wah berat sekali syaratmu itu!? Sahut Baginda. Download Lagu iringan tari tradisional jawa Mp3. Unique javanese dance performance - tari jawa kreasi baru tarian tradisional indonesia mp3 Duration. Iringan Tari Jawa mp3 Download. Tari Jawa Kreasi Baru. For your search query Iringan Tari Jawa MP3 we have found 1000000 songs matching your query but.

Dan hanya dapat dipentaskan di dalam pura. Kemudaian pada awal tahun 1930an astist dari desa Bona, Gianyar mencoba untuk mengembangkan tarian kecak dengan mengambil bagian cerita Ramayana yang didramatarikan sebagai pengganti Tari Sanghyang sehingga tari ini akhirnya bisa dipertontontan di depan umum sebagai seni pertunjukan. Bagian cerita Ramayana yang diambil pertama adalah dimana saat Dewi Sita diculik oleh Raja Rahwana. Tari kecak di Bali mengalami terus mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan sejak tahun 1970-an. Perkembangan yang bisa dilihat adalah dari segi cerita dan pementasan. Dari segi cerita untuk pementasan tidak hanya berpatokan pada satu bagian dari Ramayana tapi juga bagian bagian cerita yang lain dari Ramayana.

Penerangan yang dipakai dalam pertunjukkan ini adalah lampu yang bentuknya ditata seperti candi dan diletakkan di tengah-tengah stage sementara seluruh pemain cak duduk melingkar di luarnya. Daya tarik pertunjukkan ini terletak pada jalinan musik vokalnya yang ritmis dan berlapis-lapis. Tari Cak membawakan lakon “Kepandung Dewi Sita” (penculikan Dewi Sita) dari wiracarita Ramayana.

Setelah drama penculikan Dewi Sita berakhir, pertunjukkan ini dilanjutkan dengan menampilkan adengan Tari Sang Hyang Jaran. Bagian pertunjukkan ini menampilkan seorang laki-laki penari yang menungganggi boneka kuda dan menari di atas bara api.

Bagian pertunjukkan yang memancarkan suasana magis ini diiringi nyanyian koor yang dilakukan oleh pemain cak. Tari Sang Hyang Jaran dahulu hanya dipentaskan pada musim-musim tertentu, yaitu apabila terjadi wabah penyakit atau ada suatu kejadian-kejadian yang dianggap aneh dan meresahkan masyarakat. Legong Keraton adalah sebuah tarian klasik Bali yang memiliki pembendaharaan gerak yang sangat komplek dan diikat oleh struktur tabuh pengiring yang konon mendapat pengaruh dari Tari Gambuh. Kata Legong Keraton terdiri dari dua kata yaitu legong dan kraton. Kata legong diduga berasal dari kata “leg” yang berarti gerak tari yang luwes. Lemah gemulai. Sementara “gong” berarti gambelan.

Download Iringan Tari Kreasi Jawa Barongan

“leg” dan “gong” digabung menjadi legong yang mengandung arti gerakan yang diikat, terutama aksentuasinya oleh gamelan yang mengiringinya. Jadi Legong Keraton berarti sebuah tarian istana yang diiringi oleh gamelan.

Sebutan legong kraton merupakan perkembangan berikutnya. Ada praduga bahwa Legong Kraton berasal dari pengembangan Tari Sang Hyang. Pada mulanya legong berasal dari Tari Sang Hyang yang merupakan tari improvisasi dan kemudian gerak-gerak improvisasi itu ditata, dikomposisikan menurut pola atau struktur dari pegambuhan (gamelan). Gerakan-gerakan tari yang membangun Tari Kraton ini disesuaikan dengan gamelan sehingga tari ini menjadi tarian yang indah, dinamis dan abstrak. Gamelan yang dipakai mengiringi tari ini dalam seni pertunjukan kemasan baru adalah gamelan gong kebyar. Hindu Dharma / Agama Hindu adalah Agama yang dianut oleh sekitar 95% dari jumlah penduduk Bali, sedangkan 5% sisanya adalah penganut agama Islam, Kristen, Katholik, Budha dan Kong Hu Cu. Tujuan hidup ajaran Hindu adalah Untuk mencapai keseimbangan dan kedamaian hidup lahir dan bathin.

Dalam usaha mencapai tujuan itu, masyarakat Hindu mewujudkannya melalui (1). Tatwa / Filosofi, (2). Susila / etika, norma, (3). Upacara / yadnya, yang kemudian dijabarkan ke dalam beberapa ajaran keyakinan. Tattwa (Philosophy) dibagi menjadi 5 kepercayaan utama yang disebut Panca Crada atau lima kepercayaan yang mendasar: a) Brahman Percaya kepada adanya Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (satu Tuhan). B) Atman Percaya kepada keberadaan roh. C) Samsara Percaya dengan adanya penjelmaan kembali / reinkarnasi.

D) Karma phala Percaya kepada hukum sebab-akibat (seseorang akan memperoleh kembali dari apa yang diperbuatnya). E) Moksha: Percaya kepada kemungkinan menyatunya atman dengan Tuhan. Susila ( Etika ). Ajaran ini menekankan kepada Tiga cara berprilaku yang baik, yang disebut dengan Tri Kaya Parisudha, yaitu:Manacika (berfikir yang baik dan positif), Wacika (berkata-kata yang baik dan jujur), Kayika(berbuat yang baik ) Di samping itu, ajaran Hindu juga mengharapkan penerapan 'Tat Wam Asi' dalam hidup sehari-hari 'Engkau adalah aku juga' Dengan kata lain 'Kita harus merasakan apa yang dirasakan orang lain' 3. Upacara (Yadnya). Upacara ini ditujukan kepada lima aspek: a) Dewa Yadnya Upacara suci / yadnya untuk Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Dewa / Bathara b) Pitra Yadnya Upacara suci / yadnya yang ditujukan kepada roh-roh leluhur (Yadnya setelah kematian).

C) Rsi Yadnya Upacara suci / yadnya bagi para Pendeta, Rsi, dll. D) Manusa Yadnya Upacara suci /yadnya bagi umat manusia dari sejak lahir (bayi dalam kandungan) hingga perkawinan. E) Bhuta Yadnya Upacara suci / korban suci untuk menetralisir pengaruh-pengaruh alam yang negatif termasuk dunia supranatural. Kitab suci agama Hindu adalah Weda yang berasal dari India, namun yang sampai di Bali adalah Catur Weda dan Weda Qirah yang hingga saat ini masih dipakai Pemangku atau Pendeta untuk memimpin upacara termasuk di dalam menjalankan kewajibannya.

Di samping Weda, dalam ajaran Hindu juga dikenal kitab-kitab Purana, yang membicarakan tentang peranan Moralitas, ada juga dalam bentuk Maha Carita sepeti Mahabaratha dan Ramayana, dalam bentuk cerita Topeng, drama, opera, ballet dan sebaginya sebagai pengungkapan ajaran agama Hindu. Kepercayaan masyarakat Hindu Bali adalah kekuatan hidup yang meliputi kekuatan alam Pulau Bali yang sudah menggaung ke segala penjuru dunia.

Bali dengan penduduknya setiap hari menyanyikan lagu kasih sayang yang diperlihatkan dengan beraneka ragam rajutan dan anyaman sesajen terbuat dari daun kelapa muda, berlambang bunga semerbak wangi yang dilakukan hampir di setiap hari. Dengan pengorbanannya selalu memikirkan alam sekitar, menghaturkan sesuatu yang diperoleh kepada Tuhan, dengan harumnya aroma dupa di tangan, membaca mantra suci dengan gerakan tangan penuh makna, memercikkan air suci memohon keselamatan. Dengan prosesinya yang panjang atau dengan sederhana penuh kerendahan hati, gemar bekerja, memberkati anak-anak, memberikan senyum dan lambaian tangan persahabatan selalu dilakukan. Agama Hindu adalah agama yang monotheistik, percaya kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa), Sang Hyang Tunggal, Sang Hyang Cintya. Oleh orang-orang hal ini sering disalah mengerti bahwa Hindu percaya kepada banyak Tuhan. Dewa / Bathara hanyalah manifestasi / sinar sucinya Tuhan.

Kata Dewa berasal dari Bahasa Sansekerta 'Div' yang berarti Sinar suci, Sedang kan Bathara berasal dari 'Bhatr' berarti Pelindung. Dewa ataupun Bathara yang sering dimunculkan di Bali adalah Tri Murti / Trinity yaitu: 1. Nyepi Merupakan tahun baru Icaka, yang biasanya jatuh pada bulan Maret setiap tahunnya. Pada hari raya ini umat Hindu tidak melakukan aktivitas apa-apa, tidak menyalakan api, tidak bekerja, tidak bepergian, khusus melakukan renungan suci dan evaluasi terhadap apa yang telah dilakukan, dan membenahi diri agar menjadi lebih baik lagi di masa depan. Pada hari itu Bali nampak bagaikan pulau mati tanpa aktivitas selama 24 jam. Nyepi adalah perayaan tahun baru Saka yang jatuh sehari setelah bulan mati (tilem) ke sembilan menurut kalender Saka. Hakekatnya adalah sebagai wahana ritual dalam upaya menyucikan Bhuwana Agung dan Bhuana Alit guna terwujudnya kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan lahir batin (jagadhita dan moksha) yang berlandaskan pada satyam (kebenaran), siwam (kesucian) dan keharmonisan/keindahan).

Secara garis besar, rangkaian hari Nyepi meliputi: melasti (melis) yang dilaksanakan beberapa hari sebelum Tawur dengan maksud melebur segala macam kekotoran baik pikiran, perkataan maupun perbuatan serta memperoleh air suci (angement tirta amerta) untuk kerahayuan hidup. Dalam prakteknya, Melasti ini dilakukan pada sumber-sumber air seperti laut, danau atau sungai. Selanjutnya sehari sebelum Nyepi yaitu pada Tilem Kesanga diselenggarakan upacara Tawur di masing-masing palemahan mulai dari rumah tangga, banjar, desa, kecamatan sampai kabupaten dan propinsi. Tujuannya menyucikan dan mengembalikan keseimbangan Bhuwana Agung dan Bhuwana Alit baik skala maupun niskala. Upacara ini dilakukan pada saat sandikala (pagi, tengah hari, sore).

Pada sore hari menjelang pergantian kala siang dengan malam itulah diadakan pengrupukan (mebuu-buu) yang ditandai dengan kegiatan mengitari tiap palemahan sebanyak tiga kali dengan membawa obor (api) sambil menyuarakan bunyi-bunyian gaduh. Maknanya sebagai simbolis pengembalian unsur-unsur alam yang berpengaruh negatif (bhutakala) untuk kembali pada tempat dan kondisi asal (harmonis).Agama hindu sangat mendorong kreatifitas budaya, itulah sebabnya umat Hindu (dimulai dari Bali) mencetuskan emosi keagamaannya dalam pengrupukan dengan mewujudkan gambaran abstrak bhutakala itu dalam bentuk ogoh-ogoh. Jadi, ogoh-ogoh itu bukan esensi Nyepi tetapi hanya semacam variasi budaya yang dilahirkan melalui jiwa agama Hindu. Dan lagi pula keberadaan ogoh-ogoh pada setiap pengrupukan tidaklah begitu lama muncul.

Ogoh-ogoh hadir sekitar tahun 80-an awal yang karena menopang kesemarakan berhari Nyepi akhirnya terus dihadirkan. Hanya saja akhir -akhir ini, bentuk ogoh-ogoh, sudah mulai ada yang menyimpang dari konsep gambaran bhutakala. Misalnya dengan membuat ogoh-ogoh dalam berbagai macam wujud berupa mobil, sepeda motor dan lain lain.

Hari Raya Saraswati. Upacara Ngaben atau sering pula disebut upacara pelebon kepada orang yang sudah meninggal dunia, dianggap sangat penting, ramai dan semarak, karena dengan upacara ngabenan itu keluarga dapat membebaskan arwah orang yang meninggal dari ikatan-ikatan duniawinya menuju surga, atau menjelma kembali ke dunia melalui reinkarnasi tergantung dari karmaphala selama masih hidup.

Karena upacara ini memerlukan tenaga, biaya yang besar juga waktu yang panjang, sehingga upacara ini sering dilakukan begitu lama setelah kematian. Untuk menanggung beban biaya, tenaga dan lain-lainnya, kini masyarakat sering melakukan pengabenan secara massal / bersama. Jasad orang yang meninggal sering dikebumikan terlebih dahulu sebelum biaya mencukupi, namun bagi beberapa keluarga yang mampu upacara ngaben dapat dilakukan secepatnya dengan menyimpan jasad orang yang telah meninggal di rumah, sambil menunggu waktu yang baik menurut kalender Bali.

Selama masa penyimpanan di rumah itu, roh orang yang meninggal menjadi tidak tenang dan selalu ingin kebebasan. Pagi hari sebelum upacara ngaben dimulai, segenap keluarga dan handai taulan datang untuk melakukan penghormatan terakhir dan biasanya disajikan sekedar makan dan minum. Pada tengah hari, jasad dibersihkan dan dibawa ke luar rumah diletakkan di Bade atau lembu yang disiapkan oleh para warga Banjar, lalu diusung beramai-ramai, semarak, disertai suara gaduh gambelan dan 'kidung' menuju ke tempat upacara. Bade (tempat menaruh jasad) diarak dan berputar-putar dengan maksud agar roh orang yang meningal itu menjadi bingung dan tidak dapat kembali ke keluarga yang bisa menyebabkan gangguan.

Sesampainya di tempat upacara, jasad ditaruh di punggung lembu, pendeta mengujar mantra - mantra secukupnya, kemudian menyalakan api perdana pada jasad. Setelah semuanya menjadi abu, upacara berikutnya dilakukan yakni membuang abu tersebut ke sungai atau laut terdekat lalu dibuang, dikembalikan ke air dan angin. Ini merupakan rangkaian upacara akhir atas badan kasar orang yang meninggal, kemudian keluarga dapat dengan tenang hati menghormati arwah tersebut di pura keluarga, setelah cukup lama, arwah tersebut diyakini akan kembali lagi ke dunia. Dan kelompok masyarakat ini disebut dengan kasta yang diwarisi secara turun menurun. Jadi sekali lagi kasta sangat berbeda dengan warna karena pada masa sekarang meskipun orang berasal dari kasta brahmana bisa juga berprofesi sebagai petani atau pedagang jadi warnanya mereka tetap sebagai sudra atau wesya. Sampai saat ini masyarakat Bali masih tetap memberikan penghormatan yang tinggi untuk orang orang dari kasta ksatria atau brahmana, ini dibuktikan dengan bahasa yang mereka pakai saat bicara dengan orang dari kedua kasta tersebut maka orang dari kasta sudra atau wesya akan memakai bahasa bali halus atau bahasa Bali yang lebih tinggi dari bahasa yang mereka pakai antara sesama kastanya. A contemporary Balinese-style enclave, the property is composed of private villas set within the luxurious Laksmana Villas private residential estate.

Our 4 villas are: - Villa Toba (2 bedrooms) - Villa Kawi (2 bedrooms) - Villa Solo (1 bedroom + Den) - Villa Ubud (2 bedrooms + Upper Sunset Deck) Special features:. Villas Kawi and Solo can be joined to form a 3 bedroom villa.

All villas have their own private swimming pool, set in tropical gardens. Full breakfasts are complimentary each day for 2 persons per bedroom. Enjoy first class meals from our on-site Master Kitchen and Chef. Each villa features a large open-air living and dining pavilion, perfect for relaxed poolside enjoyment, with Room Service snacks and beverages. All bedrooms are airconditioned and have cable TV and DVD/CD players.

Every villa has wireless Broadband Internet access. The Estate is tiered on three levels: the villas with a stunning view of the entire valley and the mountains in the distance; the living areas set amongst the tree tops, and the pool and pool house overlooking the Sungai River.

Designed as the ultimate marriage of pure luxury and Asian comfort, The Arsana Estate's promise is to ensure the highest quality of personal service tailored to a guest’s particular requirements. Whether that be a butler organizing cocktails at sunset, a personal yoga teacher or a celebration of a lifetime, a stay at The Arsana Estate will be etched into memory long after a guest’s well deserved break is over!

The Bedrooms. The master suite comprises an air-conditioned study room, which is almost completely surrounded by glass, an air-conditioned TV room with a wall-mounted, 32-inch screen satellite TV, DVD player and quality sound system, a bedroom, dressing area and bathroom.

There are two open air seating areas:-the 'sunken lounge' overlooking the jungle and ideal for an early morning cup of tea, and an open-air relaxation bale with a huge cushioned daybed. The bale is a great spot for relaxing with a book or a cocktail; it enjoys gorgeous views of the garden and the sunsets. Each air-conditioned one bedroom pavilion is secluded and private. Two one bedroom villas accommodate comfortable queen size beds, whilst one villa has been specifically designed with friends or children in mind and has two twin beds within a similarly designed setting.

The beds can also be moved together to accommodate couples. Each of the cream terrazzo bathrooms are bordered by a bulrush pond, and each features a sunken soaking tub, a toilet within its own frosted glass cubicle, and a spacious, glass shower cubicle. Glass doors fold open to create an open-air experience. The “Hub” – Living Areas. This large living space overlooks the swimming pool below, and its folding glass doors open onto a sunny terrace. The room features a teakwood floor and is furnished with a huge, deeply cushioned red sofa, an arching chrome designer lamp and a low level coffee table.

The perfect pre and post dinner chill out area to enjoy starlit views of the tropical palm backdrop. A semi-circular terrazzo bar is located next to the living room, and is equipped with six smart red bar stools, red lamps and well-positioned bose music speakers.

This well-stocked bar is a great place for taste testing the array of cocktails on order! It also presents the perfect reception facility for parties and events.

The Dining Room. The large dining room is a mirror version of the living room, situated on the opposite side of the open-air terrace. The room is furnished with an impressive glass-topped dining table that seats fourteen people in comfortable cushioned dining chairs. Like the living room, it boasts glass walls on three sides, which folds open onto the terrace.

The Estate's chef will prepare a sumptuous meal to personal taste, ensuring guests will enjoy fine dining in this al fresco setting. The stylish open-plan kitchen is a designers dream in white terrazzo and stainless steel.

Pendulous aluminium lanterns hang over the worktop, which doubles as an eating area housing eight white 'satellite dish' stools. The River Residence comprises two villas, connected by a royal covered but half open living with lounge sofas. A small river is streaming almost through this relaxing area, and brings a peaceful atmosphere by the sound of streaming water. The two villas are identical. They have both a modern and minimal design, and are decorated with various Balinese art and objects. One villa has a king size bed, and the other villa has the possibility to change the beds into two twin beds. The bathrooms give you the feeling of being in your own spa.

Each villa has its own sundeck with impressive views, and have direct access to the huge main pool of The Purist. JUNGLE VILLA. This modern, Balinese style villa is located at the other side of the main pool and has direct pool access along the small river which is streaming through the estate. It is overlooks the lush jungle at the other side of a river deep below, and therefore one enjoys the sound of streaming water. The villa has a four poster, king size bed, and a royal bathroom with a small goldfish pond.

This half open spa-like bathroom is an ideal place for guests who prefer to receive in-villa treatments. Glass doors open onto to a covered and half open lounge area. BAMBOO VILLA, with private pool. This villa has its own pool with a waterfall to the lower level, where the Spa and Yoga building is situated. It comprises a bedroom with four poster king size bed, and a small living area with an extra sofa bed that is separated from the main bed area by a bookcase with flat screen tv, (This villa sleeps up to three people). At the other side of the pool is a Bale-like lounge and dining area, with a wooden sundeck between the Bale and the villa. The entire garden is surrounded by natural stone walls and a lot of beautiful yellow bamboo.

HILL VILLA, with private pool. This big wooden antique house from the island of Timor, is completely redesigned with a grey pebble stone on the ground floor and a mix of wood and beige limestone on the walls. Here you will find the twin bedroom, which easily can be transformed into a second bedroom with king size bed. This room can also be used as a “siesta place” as this room has glass doors which open up directly to the pool area. At a split level part of the villa you will find the master bedroom with a four posted king size bed. The two rooms are connected by a five meter high ceiling with an ‘alang-alang’ roof.

(This is a typical Balinese roof knitted from straw). They share a half indoor and outdoor bathroom with a stone bathtub and separate shower room. The living room has glass doors at two sides opening to a wooden sundeck with a covered dining area.

Located approximately 50 minutes from the airport, ’The Purist Villas and Spa’ lies in Ubud, behind Kutuh Katje, a small rural village surrounded by rice paddies that is only walking dis¬tance away from Ubud’s center. In this picturesque setting it is possible to experience the traditional daily rituals and ceremonies that symbolize Bali¬nese life. Reknowned as the cultural and spiritual centre of Bali, and surrounded by tropi¬cal forests and white rivers, Ubud provides a window to Bali’s mysterious and colorful past. For these and many other reasons, Ubud has become home for writers and artists from all over the world. Ubud is also the location of some of the world’s most famous and elegant 5-stars hotels, typical Balinese food restau¬rants, as well as yoga, spa and well¬ness centers.

Map Location Tarif. Designed by internationally-renowned architect, Ross Franklin, the contemporary styled properties feature large bedrooms, garden bathrooms, open air living and dining pavilions, well equipped kitchens, swimming pools, gorgeous tropical gardens, sculptures, commissioned artwork, water features, cable TVs and DVD players, as well as WiFi internet access throughout.

All five villas are situated around a private, central courtyard with parking facilities for up to five cars, and a 24-hour staffed, service area with a fully equipped service kitchen and laundry, plus power back-up generator. Each spacious, air-conditioned bedroom features a teakwood floor, sliding glass doors that open into the garden, fitted wardrobes with drawers and hanging space, and a wall safe. Each of the master bedrooms in the two-bedroom villas is furnished with a king size bed, while each guest bedroom presents a queen-sized bed that can be converted into twin beds if required. The one-bedroom ‘honeymoon villa’, offers a king-sized bed which may also be converted to twin bed accommodation.

Each master bedroom also has a ceiling fan, a desk and chair behind the bed and a dressing area with a dressing table and a mirror. All bedrooms are equipped with a 37” LCD TV/DVD player and cable television plus a JBL Radial iPod speaker system. Each en-suite open air bathroom is fitted with a terrazzo bathtub, a standing rainshower, double washbasins and a toilet. Bathroom floors are non-slip, while bathtubs and showers are sheltered from the elements by overhanging roofs. The bathroom in the one-bedroom villa offers direct access to the 10-metre pool. Living and Dining.

The private, walled, tropical gardens of SABA present lush, flat lawns, colourful shrubs, flowering trees and impressive sculptures. Each of the two largest villas has a 15-metre swimming pool as well as a ‘bale’ relaxation pavilion. Each of the other two-bedroom villas has a 13-metre pool, one of which is heralded by a ‘bale’ pavilion. The one-bedroom villa has a 10-metre pool with timber deck. The pool decks are furnished with sunbeds and sun umbrellas.

Please note the pools require toddler supervision. SABA’s internationally trained chefs can prepare anything from snacks up to five-course dinners, or other requests as required. A full international menu is available with daily ‘Chef’s Specials’. All ingredients are carefully selected with the emphasis on freshness and healthy choices. The villas also provide a realistically-priced beverage selection. Alternatively, guests can choose a self catering option.

A full breakfast is included in the room rate and guests can order from a wide choice. Was named after the lovely daughter of the villa’s owners. Designed as a holiday home for the family themselves, this 4-bedroom villa has an amazingly central location in Seminyak, tucked away in a discreet luxurious complex less than 300 metres from the beach. While Seminyak is known for its international restaurants, chic boutiques and glittering nightlife, Villa Aliya’s location on a dead-end road with no traffic, surrounded by expansive tropical landscaped gardens makes it an oasis of calm in the middle of Seminyak’s bustle. Staying at Villa Aliya means you never have to get into a car if you don’t want to – the beach, some of the best known restaurants in Bali, great shops and bars are all within walking distance.

Given that the villa itself was created as a holiday home for the family, with all creature comforts and much tasteful attention to detail, you might never even want to venture far beyond it. The Villa has generous open living spaces flowing into each other that were designed to catch a breeze and allow you to enjoy the best of tropical living. The property features 4 air-conditioned bedrooms with modern en-suite bathrooms, a contemporary fitted kitchen with all appliances, two separate open dining areas, a large comfortable living room, a generous open lounge or bar area and a small office space. A state of the art Bose sound system can be controlled remotely from the living room, the pool and the dining area. Wireless Internet is provided throughout the premises. A large beautifully landscaped garden doubles the property’s size and is ideal for private events or celebrations with children.

A striking eye-catcher in the living room is the living back wall filled with ferns, stag horns and orchids. This is a clever re-interpretation of an old Dutch room design where air slits close to the ceiling facilitate air flow through the room. The living wall provides a colourful green backdrop for comfortable oversized white Sunbrella sofas decorated with Ralph Lauren cushions in blue and white, and a beautiful McGuire rattan set. Old Balinese wooden house columns were converted into decorative standing lamps. The living room opens up to the pool and has a view of the dining pavilion on the other side.

Villa Aliya has 4 air-conditioned bedrooms. The villa was designed so that two couples can comfortably share it at the same time; the two master bedrooms are both on the ground level and are of a similar general setup with generous en-suite bathrooms. Each bedroom features Bose ipod speakers, a 32-inch flat screen TV, ceiling fans and generous wooden wardrobes or walking wardrobes with safety deposit boxes and plenty of storage space. The first master bedroom has a view of the pool, a large water feature and the garden beyond. The centre of the room is a romantic antique four-poster king-sized bed wrapped in voile. The bedroom also includes a small desk area and a daybed.

The second master bedroom features an antique Javanese bed made of carved old teak wood that was turned into a tasteful headpiece for the king-sized bed. A reading area with a pair of old Javanese wicker chairs complete. The room is located on the other side of the living area and the pool from the first master bedroom to maximize privacy.

The third bedroom is located upstairs and has two striking queen sized single beds made of old carved Madura benches. French doors lining the entire length of the room open onto a private balcony with a view of the pool, the landscaped gardens beyond and the outside dining area. Entertainment Room / Fourth Bedroom. The fourth bedroom is a large lounge space that serves as an entertainment room during the day, with lots of colourful Jim Thompson cushions and mattresses for casual lounging and afternoon naps. The latest 50-inch flat screen TV and a Bose sound system provide high quality entertainment. A card table is also available for more hands-on fun. Trundle beds built into the lounge area allow the room to be converted into a bedroom within moments; thereby making it especially suited for children.

This room was conceived to provide children with their own safe, fun space – giving their parents a chance to relax on their holiday as well. All bathrooms were designed in a tasteful ‘beachy’ theme contrasting cream coloured granite with antique woods.

Bathrooms all feature two sinks, and the en-suite bathrooms to the 3 main bedrooms have large eggshell bathtubs in addition to open air showers. Antique Jepara wooden carvings from Java were used to create striking mirror frames. The bathroom furniture was made from old recycled teak, thereby not only using beautifully aged hardwood but continuing the environmentally friendly theme of Villa Aliya. Upstairs Lounge / Bar Area. Open on three sides to wonderful views of landscaped gardens and traditional Balinese thatched roofs, the upstairs Bar area almost always catches a breeze from the ocean. Colourful prints of old drink advertisements decorate the back of the bar area, while comfortable sea grass bar stools invite hanging out at the bar. Large day beds covered in bright Sunbrella and Tommy Bahama materials provide additional comfortable spaces to lounge.

Beautifully hand crafted rattan fans hand enhance the feeling of tropical living. Villa Aliya has two dining areas. The first is a breakfast area made of large wooden benches and a solid table set between the kitchen and the living room. Colourful cushions and specially commissioned modern art completes this space’s fun and casual look. The second dining space is located in a separate Balinese pavilion or Bale across the pool with 10 comfortable rattan chairs and a large wooden table. Old Balinese house columns were turned into tasteful standing lamps, and a Bose system provides discreet musical ambience.

This area has a view of the pool, the main house and the garden. Garden and Pool.

At the centre of the grounds and thereby the house lies a large ionized lap pool of 14 x 4meters with a waterfall feature at the end. Double sun lounges on the wooden deck alongside the pool are perfect for enjoying the sun with large frangipani trees providing shade. A small raised Bale next to the dining area with a view of the garden serves as an additional resting space next to the pool and is ideal for getting a relaxing massage or afternoon reading. The landscaped garden beyond the pool covers half the property and was designed by Anto Kusnanto. Its generous space is perfect for private functions or children having fun. Early Balinese ruler adopted certain imported religious and administrative practice from India that enhanced their status and power. An important belief was in God –King, a divine incarnation on earth who exercised spiritual and political power through a hierarchy of priest.

The realm and its people would prosper only as long as the king conducted himself in accordance with divine law. Although India provide social, theological and political models, the Balinese modified these to suit their own needs while retaining many indigenous practices. Indian deities for instance existed along side the ancestral spirits. Balinese contacts with India and with others Indian influenced kingdoms in Southeast Asia were established by in 1st century, and Buddhist dynasty was ruling Bali by 7th century. In AD 989, the Buddhist Balinese king Udayana married the Hindu Javanese princess Mahendradatta creating a geographic, political, and religious union. A Hindu-Buddhist fusion that incorpora ted the ancient cult of ancestral worship was adopted as the state religion.

During this time, Kawi or old Javanese, replaced old Balinese as the language of inscriptions and court edicts, indicating a Javanisation of Balinese royalty. The couple’s son, Airlangga, was born in AD 991, and he later married a princess from the Javanese k ingdom of Sanjaya.

Contoh Tari Kreasi

When his father –in- law was murdered, Airlangga waged years of warfare to defeat his rivals and enemies on Java. He finally gained control and ruled the island for the next three decades, while his younger brother Anak Wungsu, was installed as regent of Bali. Airlangga divided his realm in Java among his sons and retired to become and ascestic, but after his death in 1049, the brothers fought a long civil war against each others to gain supr emacy on the island. As Bali was involved in the struggle, it became in independent kingdom for the next 235 years until the short –lived ea st Javanese kingdom of Singosari invaded in 1284 to retake the island. However, in 1292 Kublai Khan attacked Singosari for refusing to pay tribute to China and insulting his envoy; thus Balinese became independent once again. In 1343 east Javanese kingdom of Majapahit sent its general Gajah Mada to Bali. The general was sent to quell the cruel king Bedulu.

According to legend, one day, the God Siwawas so offended by the king ‘s audacity, that he caused the king’s severed head to fall into a stream and be washed away. The king’s minister replaced the king’s head with that of a pig he killed. The tale follows that king Bedulu decreed that no one should ever look at his face again. When general Gajah Mada, who was staying at the royal court, look up from his meal to gaze at the king’s head, Bedulu begcame so angry that he was consumed by the fires of his own rage. In reality, Majapa hit kingdom was defeated the Balinese forces and process and proceeded to govern through a series of puppet rulers. Javanese style court along with its culture were introduced to Bali.

Life changed when Majapahit broke up the old village structures. The Hindu caste system was introduced; at the apex were brahmana high priests, followed by royal satria, and wesia or merchants. Most of the population was commoner sudra or jaba (out-siders).

When the Hindu Majapahit kingdom began to crumble in 1515 with the rise of the Islamic sultanates in Java. Reluctant to succumb, the priest, nobles, and artisans of Majapahit empire chose instead to move to Bali, strengthening the Hindu culture that had taken root there. The Balinese in turn molded the Majapahit influences to their own needs, reinventing the Balinese culture. Much today’s language, music, art and literature are derived from time. Dutch Intrusion. At beginning of the 19th century, the Dutch were looking for ways to gain a foothold on Bali. Ash deposits from Tambora’s eruption created soil so fertile that Balinese able to export food to Singapore.

But the Dutch were suspicious of Balinese dealings with the newly established British colony of Singapore. By the end of 1830, the Dutch were openly discussing trade, politics, plundering and slavery with the king –veiled by deceitful treaties of friendship and commerce that would ultimately lead to Dutch sovereignty on the island. The Dutch want to end the practice of plunde ring shipwrecks, which the Balinese regarded as gifts from the deity of the sea. The ship, cargo and everyone on board automatically become the property of the king who ruled the territory where the incident occurred. Thus, when a Dutch fri gate went aground off Kuta in 1841, the Balinese naturally plundered it.

The Dutch tried to get Balinese to sign a treaty putting a stop to this but were rebuffed. In 1846, the Dutch launch a punitive expedition against Buleleng in the north, but the Balinese put up strong resistance. A second expedition was sent in 1848, and Balinese again fought off the Dutch attack. During the third expedition in 1849, backed by heavily armed soldiers, the Dutch attacked the fortification at Jagaraja.

Backed into corner, the Balinese decided the only honorable course of action was end it all in self-sacrifice. This was when the Dutch first witnessed a puputan, ritual suiced that traditionally signaled the end of kingdom. Led by the king of Buleleng, nobles marched into gunfire, and or poison. Thousand of Balinese men and women died. Although the Dutch now regarded them-self as holding sovereignty on the island, they did not interfere in the internal affairs of the kingdom of south and east Bali. However when Buleleng tried to rebel in 1853, the Dutch took more direct control. Chinese Influence in Bali.

Although Chinese impact on Bali is not well documented in historical annals and is not obvious to the first –time visitor, Bali has distinct Chinese connection. During 11th century, a Balinese king married a Chinese princess of the Kang clan and converted to her to Buddhist. The couple named their kingdom Bali Kang or Balingkang. The Hindu gods supposedly made her childless, so she died of sorrow and became Batari Mandul, The Barren goodness. Batari Mandul’s stone image is enshrined at the temple of Pura Puncak Penulisan. The long-haired Kintamani dogs from here are said to be descended from her pet Chinese chows.

Princess Kang is worshipped by Balinese and Chinese as Ida Ayu Subandar, the devine Harbour Queen. She is the deity of trade as well as the patron goodness of merchants. Pura Besakih and Pura Ulun Da nu Batur temples both have large shrines in her honors.

Barong, of which there are various kinds, is Balinese dance form usually performed by two men. The female figure in the pair of barong landing (tall protective spirits) wears a white mask with Chinese-like facial features –an image indentified by many as princess Kang. These masked mythological creatures animated by two dancers are also found in china and many other parts of Asia. In Bali more over, the Chinese-style lion called barong sae is just like traditional Chinese lion dancers in that it dances to sounds gongs, drums and cymbals during certain auspicious times of the year in front of houses, businesses and temples.

Balinese architecture also points to distinct Chinese style. Both Balinese and Chinese homes and temples are surrounded by walls, which are sometimes inlaid with Chinese porcelain plates or ceramic lattice tiles. Just inside the gate, an aling-aling(privacy wall) is constructed to prevent demon’s, who can only move straight, from entering.

In both China and Bali, separate buildings with upward curving roof corners are arranged around an open central courtyard. A few Balinese textile patterns and woodcarving motifs are shared with the Chinese such as karang cina.

(Chinese foliage) and karang sae (Chinese lion foliage). Beyond the Chinese Buddhist temples in every major town, one need not look very far to find other vestiges of Chinese influence. Chinese copper alloy coins with centre holes are used in offerings and are strung together to create ritual objects. They are also used as sacred images of the Hindu deities of prosperity and fertility as well as for shrine hangings and effigies. The Chinese romance of the butterfly lover was adapted long ago into Balinese as sampik-Engtai and used for dance dramas. Also, the Baris Cina is a Balinese warrior dance in which men dressed in Chinese attire perform martial arts with swords. Peta kawasan Kalurahan Sanur yang merupakan sentra pariwisata yang mempunyai ciri khas kawasan Sanur dengan pantai Sanur, daerah Sanur suasananya lebih tenang dan agak sepi di bandingkan kawasan wisata Kuta yang juga memiliki daya tarik pantai Kuta sebagai tujuan wisata.

Meskipun wilayah Sanur merupakan kawasan wisata dengan suasana tenang dan agak sepi akan tetapi fasilitas sebagai daerah wisata sangat memadai. Banyak pilihan tempat penginapan Baik Hotel berbintang, restauran, dan prasara wisata pantai. Peta Wilayah Sanur.

This entry was posted on 09.10.2019.