Tax Refund Offset Program Student Loans

  1. Offset Student Loans Tax Refunds

If your federal student loans are in default, the Department of Education can refer your account to the Department of Treasury for collection by an offset of your federal (and in some cases state). The Department of Treasury can withhold the entire amount of your refund to satisfy the debt that is owed. If you filed a joint return, the IRS can and will withhold your spouse’s refund, although your spouse may be entitled to all or part of the refund offset. How To Know If Your Taxes Will Be Offset Generally, if you have that have been assigned to a collections agency, your taxes will likely be withheld by the IRS to pay off a portion of your debt.

Potentially Stopping Treasury Offset. Have you received a notice letter from your loan holder or from the IRS saying you will be certified for the Treasury Offset Program unless you enter into an acceptable repayment plan or take other specific actions within a 60 day period of time? If so, we may be able to help you. Oct 25, 2017 - Cross-Servicing CRS Payment Center Debt Collection Improvement Act Delinquent Debts: Questions Most Frequently Asked by the Public Improving and Enhancing Debt Collection Efforts TOP: General Information TOP: Federal Agencies TOP: State Agencies Federal Withholdings & Offsets.

The law states the that the IRS must provide you with a proposed offset, and the opportunity for you to review your loan records. This notice would be sent to you via mail, at the best address that the IRS is able to find for you. If you never receive this letter, it is not grounds for challenging the tax offset, although you can challenge the offset for other reasons as you will see below. The IRS provides a toll-free number which you can call, go through the automated prompts, and see if you have any offsets pending on your social. Their number is (800)304-3107. How To Prevent The Tax Offset If you believe your taxes will be offset due to a delinquent debt, your best option is to get your student loans out of default.

To do that, you have a few options. If you are eligible for this consolidation, all your loans would be bundled up into one new loan, likely with a new federal lender.

When your loan consolidation is complete, your new loan will be out of default and in good standing. During this consolidation, you are also able to choose a payment plan that is affordable for you. The and both can offer payments as low as $0.00 per month depending on your income and family size. The consolidation process can take up to 30-90 days from when first filed, so it’s important to start this process as soon as you can.

Rehabilitate your loans with your current lender. If you and your lender can agree on a reasonable and affordable payment plan, you can start to make payments under this rehabilitation to get your loans back into good standing. Typically a rehab will take nine months, and any late payments will restart your recovery period.

After the rehabilitation is completed, you will likely be back to having to make larger payments on your student loans, but you will no longer be in default or be underin threat of a tax offset or. Repay your defaulted student loans in full. If your loan balance is an amount that you can pay off in full, this is an option as well. Unfortunately, this is rare, and most borrowers must select to consolidate their loans, or enter a rehabilitation on their loans. Call to get help from a private company. How Can I Challenge The Tax Offset?

First, its important to understand that the tax offset is legal, and the IRS can and will withhold your tax refund according to law. To try and challenge the offset would require you to have a very valid reason as to why the tax offset should never have occurred. Some challenges that are valid for a refund of the tax offset:. The debt is no longer owed and has been paid off prior to the offset. You have entered into a rehabilitation with the lender and are making satisfactory payments according to that rehabilitation schedule. You are in an active bankruptcy. The debt has been discharged through bankruptcy or disability discharge.

You are totally & permanently physically challenged. You believe the debt is not an enforceable debt To challenge the offset, you should. You can apply to have a hearing over the phone, in person, or online.

Generally speaking, it is tough to get the tax offset reversed, and the best plan of action is to take the appropriate steps before the offset actually happens. Unfortunately, many people simply do not realize the severity of their federal student loans being in default and do not take action until its too late. In this case, it’s appropriate to file a challenge if you believe that you have a valid reason as to why the tax offset should not have happened in the first place. What About My Spouses Tax Refund?

Offset Student Loans Tax Refunds

Any federal tax refunds that are payable to a couple that is filing their taxes jointly is also subject to a tax offset regardless if only one person owes that debt. This means if your loans are in default, your spouse’s tax refund will also be withheld.

Once the tax offset happens, the spouse can file an “” claim with the IRS to retrieve their portion of the offset that was withheld. To be considered an injured spouse, you must:. Have paid federal income taxes, or claimed a refundable tax credit.

Have filed a joint return, and you’re not responsible for the debt that created the offset You will want to use to file your injured spouse claim. Call this number, # 1-800-304-3107, which is probably the number you already called, but call it after hours. They are open 7:30-5:00 cst. It will clearly tell you that you have an offset and who you need to contact.

I have a $30,000 Dept. Of Education offset which started last year. They kept my entire $588 refund as they will this year. It will say Dept of Education. If it does, then yes, you are going to have your refund held for whatever amount you owe. If this would cause a hardship, you can contact They will not be able to help if you have already filed.

Contact them FIRST! I just found this out after filing unfortunately, but they can help as long as you have not yet filed. Also, the Dept of Education will not hold your state return. I am nearly finished with my student loan rehabilitation program. My taxes were offset the 2016 tax season but when I call the BFS tax offset line it states there are no debts or offsets at this time. I’ve been calling every couple of weeks because it also states debts are added daily. I know people have commented here that even when out of default they still had their taxes offset, however since the tax offset line isn’t seeing any debt to be offset is it likely my refund will still be withheld?

Also, can I call someone like the current rehabilitation company or the Department of Education to get a more direct answer as to whether they submitted at debt with the BFS or IRS to be refunded? Thank you for your time and help. It has already been 2 years since I fixed my loan payments with my federal loans. I was told after I completed the nine months and enter into another program based of my income that the IRS will no longer offset my tax refund. In, 2016 I received a notice from IRS stating my refund was to be given to the Dept of education. Is this true if I already fixed my stafford loans?

Can the IRS give to the dept of ed if private student loans are in default? The Dept of Ed only deals with federal loans or private as well? The irs offset my state return to make sure i had enough money to pay them back, which after doing the math with an irs rep over the phone determined i did from just my federal income taxes. After about 2 weeks, i called to check the status of my state refund, i found out the irs did not need the state refund and it will be mailed to me.

Another 2 weeks later i received a letter stating my “federal refund” (which started out being my state refund) was offset to the dept of ed. I am in an active bankruptcy. Can the irs offset my state refund and release it as a federal refund and it too be offset by the dept of ed? I have made my payments each month in the last 10 years without skipping any payments. I have been in a rehab program since I lost my job 2 years ago. The required payment amount is $5 per month, but I pay $50 each month without skipping payments, but somehow my loan account is now on collection. I called the lender and dept.

Student loan tax offset hardship refund form

Of education, they said my loan standing is good, so they will forward my tax refund to me in 2 weeks once they receive my tax refund check from IRS. Anyone here was in the same situation as mine and what a result? I appreciate your inputs. I will try to keep this short Husband went to a trade school with a student loan. We were dirt poor and just had a child. In the 2nd month the teacher quit and the school did not get another teacher. The adult students had to teach themselves and were given the computer lab to access as they taught themselves.

They still had to take state tests though in order to graduate. My husband was 2nd in his class. The school made promises they never delivered on for sending students on interviews.

Also, turns out there was another test that we had to pay for out of pocket A+ Certificaltion. We paid the money but husband failed part of the test the school never prepared him. No A+ Cert meant no jobs.

Husband went back to roofing because we were desperate for the money to get caught up on bills. The school shut down shortly after fraduation and reopened under another name so they could not be prosecuted. We did not understand how to fight the loan. The school had already been paid and took off with the money. We have had finacial problems ever since and often had to defer the loan. We took a $10000. Loan up to over $17000 due to interest.

We tried to pay although we did not feel we should have to. We explained to every lender who we were given to what happened and no one would help us. DEC of last year, A guy at NY HESC called us. I told him that we shouldn’t have to pay and that we were desperate. The school never helped us and we kept trying to get people to listen and we just could not pay anymore. We could not affored to.

We are very low income. Plus, my husband has MS and Asperger’s. I have a head injury with memory problems It is all documented with ongoing problems.

The guywho called us then said we could write a letter of dispute and that it would be reviewed. Then we would be able to speak with a counselor. I did not get a response although I’ve been waiting. Instead, I got this letter from the IRS stating they were taking all our money. That was our car repairs (car repairs will cost $1500+), dental and health copay, fixing our really bad electric problems in the house and paying back people who have helped us pay bills through out the last year. The department of education took my refund from a loan that at the time we were not even married or together. Community property means something that was done during the marriage not before.

I have talked to my attorney and was told that I am not responsible for paying a student loan from years ago. My attorney is going to help me file a lawsuit against the Department of education and the internal revenue service for the return of my refund. It US illegal to touch my refund when we were never together in 1999. I had a loan that was in forbearance. Each year I would notify the lender to renew my forebearance. In 2013 I called Sallow Mae and they said my SS# did not match my name. I said what are you talking about?

They said there was nothing they could do. I tried and called for months and kept getting the same response. One representative said.wait till you get a letter and then call. I started getting notices in another person’s name and apparently they mixed up my loan with someone else. I called repeatedly and got the same answers. I kept receiving the wrong notices and couldn’t do a thing.

Just this weekalmost 2 years later. I found out my loan is in default and they may offset wages and taxes. What can I do when this wasn’t my fault? I just received an offset letter for a Perkins loan taken out 30 years ago. I went into default, and my taxes were offset 20 years ago. Haven’t heard anything since.

Now I get this letter saying they are going to take my taxes and possibly garnish me. After calling the USDE 4 times (they couldn’t even find any information on the loan), they finally found it on the 4th try in the archives and said that it had never been completely paid off. It has been collecting interest in the meantime. Even my offset letter has no lender information, no school, and no information except principal and interest. I don’t know if I should fight this or just pay up.

I also don’t trust that if I try to pay it off before tax season, that it will save my taxes or wages. Any suggestions?

My husband had a student loan through Great Lakes. We have not been able to pay on the loan because he was laid off. Our taxes were intercepted by the IRS and given to Great Lakes. I called the 800 number provided on the website and was directed to TransWorld Incorporates. I set up the rehab loan and filed for Hardship. I sent in the documents hey requested (monthly expenses, etc) I also included an eviction letter. Its been over 1.5 months since I started this process.

I finally received an email today stating I can call tomorrow for the decision on our hardship application. Do you think we would be getting all of the refund back?Partial? Does great lakes have different hardship qualifications than he IRS?

My student loan was sold to a collection agency before my offset. It was with Great Lakes as well.

I thought my payments were still in deferment since I had recently talked to a Great Lakes rep and was awaiting paperwork to sign and send back for the deferment. No record of that in my account but I had the original contract with names, dates, and times of said conversation. Anyways, DOE intercepted my refund in 2017.

I contacted them as well as the credit agency now in control of my debt. I set everything up to rehab my loans and do the 10 month payment deal to get out of default. We spent about 3-4 days playing phone tag and emailing and faxing everything needed. I sent in last sign form and income verification to them on Saturday morning, as approved by rep I was dealing with. I never heard anything that following Monday.

Tried calling several times over the next two weeks leaving messages and contacting supervisors with no avail. Reps can’t access accounts not assigned to them. I then filed my hardship with DOE within a week of the offset. Over a month later they sent me a denial letter stating that my reasons were not extreme enough. The fact that my utilities were in disconnect status, I was now two months behind on my rent and one month behind on my car payment which would’ve cost me my job.

So I sent off another hardship letter stating that I had been sent an eviction notice. I did end up losing my car and was now only able to work half of my shift due to transportation and was at risk of losing that. This is now mid April, I sent first hardship letter on March 1, 2017.

Sent off my appeal letter stating my hardship was intact extreme and only getting more severe. I heard nothing until early June 2017, I got another denial letter for my hardship due to much time had lapsed since they received the offset.

I contacted the credit agency and DOE before they even received my refund to start all this. And this is the bull they pull on us.

Never got my loans rehabbed so still in default and Moab likely will stay that way. But that’s fine, they can take there few bucks every year, I’ll waste their time like they did mine. I’m so sorry to say that I’ve heard similar stories to this many hundreds if not thousands of times. Borrowers who are doing their best and making real efforts to take care of their student loans, followed up by inept departments and servicers who don’t really care about the individual borrower and never think in the borrowers best interests. There have been countless times I have heard of borrowers applications being conveniently lost in the mail right before deadlines, etc.

One thing to consider Sarah, is you might want to look at going through a through the Dept of Education. Your loans are immediately back in good standing and collections agencies no longer hold your debt. Its kind of like a fresh start, if you aren’t already consolidated. Doing the rehab is also good as well, don’t miss or be late on one payment of they will reset the timer. I am in the rehabilitation program since november 2014. In 2010 my refund was OFFSET.

I called the 1800 3107 treasury and I have only one offset which is (unemployment). But none from student loan. I called IRS to make sure and they said i have only one offset which i believe is the unemployment.

I called back to the treasury and i speak with a lady and she said i have only one from unemployment, and then she told me the GREAT LAKES which is student loan, it is inactive right now. My question is; it didnt show my student because i still do not file my taxes or i am safe to file. Brenda, they could take your refund if you are in default including your husbands part of the tax refund. If you are disabled, you can apply for the permanent disability discharge to get your loans discharged. The only problem with that is you later get a 1099 on the discharged amount, and will have to claim that as income on your next tax return. The other options is to consolidate your loans (they will be taken out of default), and go into one of the income sensitive repayment plans that could offer you a very small payment. Hi, I’m wondering if anyone can help me out on this.

My husband had an offset and I filed married joinly,but he didn’t have any income so it all was mine. My entire refund went to his offset. I filed an injured spouse and on my transcript it says tax refund reversal to the offset. What does this mean?am I getting some or all my refund back or what’s going on? I’ve called the irs but of course they’re to busy and tell me to call back at a later time. I check the status and it said it was being processed and now it says still being process and I will receive a date when available.

Back in 2013, I tried to apply for either an economic hardship, deferment, or forbearance, but I was told by the lender at the time that I met my limit for those options. I tried to apply, because to this day I’m having a difficult time finding work, and although my visual impairment doesn’t mean I can’t work, I’m having a difficult time finding an employer who agrees with me For these reasons, my loans are now in default.

I am married, and we are living on my wife’s income, but it will hurt to have the tax refund offset. I’ve set up a repayment plan based on my current expenses, but I’m wondering if there are any other options for me to avoid the offset Thanks!

My srudent loans are in default. I set up a payment plan with the collection agency and made my first payment before filing taxes. I assumed my refund would be held, but I’m wondering if i can file a “challenge” to not have it taken out even though I’ve already filed. It’s been about 6 weeks now and the IRS has already stated that its being reviewed however I have yet to recieve a notice as to why. My husband and I filed joint and his might be taken for child support that was ordered in December and backdated to August. I’m also wondering if his will be taken out or does it have to be several years before child support is withheld? Any info or advice would be great!!

I have checked the offset hotline for both my husband and me and we both have something that might offset our refund. Mine being the student loans, his something else. I called the company I have set up the rehab through and they said usually they see the offset in their office about a week after filing yet they have not gotten it. I’ve already made one payment to them.

Is it worth it to try to challenge it, will it take longer or should I just let them offset it and take the settled amount I agreed upon with the rehab agency? My husband has one student loan that he is currently challenging. The loan has been sold to several companies for collection, however, no one can provide him with the necessary paperwork that documents the loan. He has one other loan that he pays on, however, he never took out the loan he is challenging. In the past, he has had his refund withheld by the IRS.

This is the first year that we are married and will be filling jointly. I am aware of the injured spouses claim I will need to file, however, I want to help resolve the issue with the deliquent loan.

Who is the best organization to contact? Since the loan has been sold several times, no one can tell where it orginated.

I have a question My husband is the only one working and when we filed taxes I knew I was in default, tried to have the tax lady file a form 8379 instead she did a innocent spouse form. Needless to say they took all of our refund and the debt is soley mine before I married my husband. I sent in a form 8379 six days after I received the letter of interception. I called the collection agency and made a payment plan with them, but now on Friday they called to let me know they had received my whole refund. Does that mean we will not be able to get any of it back on my husbands be half?

Hi, My tax refund offset was already sent to my lenderI did contact them and set up a repayment plan, they said after 9 months I will be out of default so long as I keep making payments on time. I am currently unemployed and have much debt I owe, plus just received an eviction notice, I was relying on the refund to get my out of the hole financially. I am submitting Tax offset Hardship Refund Request, any idea what percentage of the refund can be returned to me? Your input would be greatly appreciated.

My loans are on default and so are my wifes this is the first year we file jointly. Shes a stay home mom and I barely work at the moment. We both got offset.

Total tax back was 900 state 3,500 federal. They took 800 from me for state and 100 for her.

Federal they took nothing from me all from her. Is there anything we can do to get something back. If I file injured spouse claim would we get something back or would they take more from the student loans I owe. She did not work at all and we have a child and are really counting on something! My student loans just went into default jan 3, 2015.

I currently owe a total of $12,918. I am really trying to go to school and do good by my kids this year but i wont be able to if i am unable to receive financial aid. How can i get my loans out of default so that i can go to school. I am currently enrolled in 6 credits this semester. But have no way of paying im afraid they are going to tell me i cant come to school if i dont have financial aid.

Also if my loans just were put into default January, 3rd of this year will that affect my tax returns this year.?? I had my wages being garnished for a student loan i didn’t consolidate because i didn’t know it was there or wasn’t sure why it was but either way they started garnishment of my wages they took off the garnishment now so my wages are now normal. I also called the offset line to check and see if there was anything there and nothing was there saying they would take them but it updates everyday. I called the collection agency and they told me to call the offset number to check because they couldn’t tell me if it was or wasn’t. If i file will they still go after my taxes even though they haven’t done it yet.

I have been putting me loans into deferment/forbearance for some time now. Last time I did this the student loan department told me “all of my loans” were now in forbearance for 12 months. Apparently somehow one of my loans got seperated from the others and was not covered.

No one mentioned this to me. I later recieved a letter in the mail stating that my loan was in default. So all of my loans accept this single one is ok. I immediately called and got put on a payment plan.

Of course as stated previously in many comments they took my taxes. I called about an economic hardship and they are stating that the ONLY thing that counts has a hardship is a court ordered eviction notice. I have been threatened to be evicted if I do not catch up on my payments which I always do with my tax returns. Is a court ordered eviction notice the only thing that counts for an economic hardship?

Sam, no that sounds like a lot of bologna. First of all, you should have been receiving monthly statements on that loan that was not in forbearance so you wouldnt fall into default without even knowing it. Secondly, you can prove an economic hardship based on your income and family size. I suggest that you get your loans consolidated and into an IBR repayment plan. This can give you a payment based on your income, and you may even have payments of $0.00 per month. Its not pausing your loans like a forbearance does. Secondly, by consolidating your loan will be taken out of default.

Give us a call if you need help, it doesnt sound like your lender has really helped you at all and only hurt your situation. I had a offset, I went into the rehabilitation program, I got out of the deferment. I started making regular payments to the dept.

Of education in January of this year. They told me my loans were in good standing. I filed my taxes February 8 I just got a letter on Feb 21 stating they are offsetting my taxes again for a citi bank loan.

Can they do this? The creditor did mail me January 15 of the loan but I thought is was part of the fed loan. Also they never contacted me before so why are they just contacting me now. I’ve been out of school for five years.

How can I challenge the offset? Long story short, my loans are currently in collections. There was a lawsuit against the school, which i was a part of. We won, but the awared amount wasn’t enough to cover the entire loan since it was divided between a number of other students. Just a very small part of it. Is there a way to have that loan canceled? I want this done with already.

It’s been too long but i also hate the thought of having to pay for something that i got nothing out of. Which is the reason for the default in the first place.

Bad move on my part, but it’s where i am now. I haven’t filed my taxes yet because of the offset. Any advice on this?

I am a little confused. Last year my tax refund was offset, I set up payment option and went through the rehabilitation program. In January I was done with rehabilitation and out of deferment, I started to pay the department of education January 25.

I filed my taxes February 8, today(feb 21) I get a letter from the treasury that my taxes are being offset again. I check the fed load website and I only have one loan and it’s out of deferment and I am not late on my payment. Do you know what is going on? My husband has defaulted on his loans.

I stay at home with our 2 small children and he is the only one working. We have not received a former notice of offset(yet) but the online status says the refund has been taken. Can he A) call his lender and set up a deferment now and request the seizure be reversed- we struggle to get by on a weekly basis. My husband makes very little money. Will his income be taken into account and possibly help the situation?

B) If we have to do a review or inspection would our current financial situation be taken into account? C) Can I file an injured spouse form even though he was the one working? We file joinlty claiming 2 dependants.

I just checked on my refund and it stated that there was an offset. I made the proper calls and it was garnished due to loans. I spoke with a collection agency two months ago and let them know I wasn’t working,and could afford to set up a payment plan until I had sustainable income. I planned on setting up a plan with my refund money. I never received notice of the possible offset. I still have no income and a new born with bills galore. That money was spent before I received it technically.

Is there any point in appealing it? My loans just got out of default on and went from the collection agency to a lender. I filed my taxes on 1/30/2015.

I was on a rehabilitation schedule and made all of my monthly payments. Expected deposit date of my refund was on Just saw that there is a tax code 203 when i checked on the status of my refund now the irs is offsetting my refund. Called the TOP and was told all of my refund is going to the us dept of edu. Can i challenge this?

I contacted the us dept of edu and was told I had to wait until the payment is posted. Can/Should I file a review now? It seems to me that likely once your loans were taken out of default, the IRS was not notified quickly enough. I don’t think everything happens instantly as we would assume these days. There is probably some delay between the time your loans are back into good standing, till the IRS is notified. I think it works the same way in the reverse as well, if you fall into default a few weeks before filing your taxes, you may not get hit that year. You can try to challenge it, since the loan was in good standing at the time you filed you may be reimbursed.

I think its worth a shot. The day I am to get my refund I find out I’m offset.

I was not notified at all about being offset. I haven’t received anything about my student loan in years. I am a single mom I just got evicted in December I am having a hard enough time keeping my head above water the last thing I needed was this offset. I just started a new job I have been outta work for several months for being sick and in the hospital. I have talked to the collections pepper today and have started my rehab today. Ok so is there anything that I can do to get my offset back? And what do they mean by finiacal hardships?

The loan goes on your credit from when its taking out, so creditors can see what your debt looks like. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. If you are not in default, your taxes should not be offset.

I think the plan you have is fine, the only recommendation I would make is look into the consolidation program. Instead of doing a deferment, you could maybe qualify for a zero payment in the IBR/ICR/PAYE repayment plans. Then after one year, you have one year less to pay on your loans. Deferment only pauses the loans. Ok, this is a stretch. Spouse 1 got loans and attended school in 2011 while married, payments were being made from joint account. 1 and 2 had filed taxes jointly until that point.

Spouse 2 left the home abruptly leaving spouse 2 (student) with no money to pay any expenses, loan include. Soon the departed spouse 2 entered mutual agreement (not legal, just obligatory) to pay all the bills of the family in lieu of alimony. Presumed /assumed whatever, loan payments included since that time (2012). On this 2014 return filed separate, the student spouse 1 had the tax return seized by the IRS / D of Ed because it had been put in default status without their knowledge. No notifications because spouse 2 never forwarded letters of default or other notifications etc. Is there an injured spouse related remedy / solution? Anyone know how to approach it with the IRS and or the Dept of Ed offset unit?


Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If I opened up a new student loan March of last year and my previous debt went into forbearance but I took a break from school after a few months and not going back till sometime this year. Will my refund be safe for my refund this year?

My fed loan hasn’t gone to collections I don’t think It was safe after my graduation in 2010 for 2 years and hadn’t gone into default before taking out my new loans last year even though I hadn’t made any payments yet. Does it take a few years before loans go into default?

I am just hoping my refund is safe. I just filed a few days ago.?!?! David, just from my personal experience i was in forbearance on my loans a couple times which stops you from going into default. I got my refund with no problem for that year. I wound up going into default the following year and still got my refund for that year.

I was in default for a full year and STILL got my refund for that year. Now the following year (yr 3) I got a package from a government agency that offered to consolidate my loans, get me out of default and save my credit. So I was good for another yr on my refund. Of course when I defaulted on that I haven’t seen a refund since. From personal experience. Since your spouse did not work at all last year, they may still take your tax refund, however, you can file an injured spouse form and send to the IRS. Once the injured spouse form has been received and processed, you get all of your money back.

This is because all of the income you made last year belongs to you. They can’t keep your money. You don’t owe the student loan, your spouse those. They can’t make you pay for you spouse’s debt.

I would suggest your spouse call and make arrangements (student loan companies are always happy to work with you) to make low monthly payments so as not have that same problem next year. File an “injured spouse” claim with your tax return. It will take longer for you to receive your return, but if eligible, they will not take any money from you. I am in default on my loans, and my husbands tax return was taken in full for payment. I called my student loan company and stated that I did not work and my husband was not responsible for my loan, as he did not consign. THEY told me to file an “injured spouse” claim and he would be refunded any money owed to him.


He got EVERY dollar back. This site does not negotiate, adjust or settle debts. All federal student borrowers are able and encouraged to apply for any federal repayment or forgiveness programs through the US Department of Education for free without paying fees to any entity. Nothing on this site constitutes official qualification or guarantee of result. All telephone numbers listed connect to 3rd party private companies not controlled by Student Debt Relief offering fee-based services to assist with application preparation for federal student loan and other programs. There are no obligations or commitments. YOUR ASSESSMENT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE Call today to go over your options.

Please note: Only the US Department of Education can provide determination of eligibility and exact payment amount for any government forgiveness or repayment program listed on this website. Also, all forgiveness and re-payment programs may be applied to for free without paying anyone for assistance through the US Department of Education.

Our calculators, estimators and eligibility tools are strictly to help consumers understand potential options estimate potential payments and do not provide any guarantee of enrollment, qualification, or payment amount for ANY programs.

This entry was posted on 13.09.2019.